After 4 years of Trumpism, with their succession of repetitive tweets, fads, unpredictabilities, inconsistencies, the new American president should be called Hercules Biden, as the files that Donald Trump left him, in foreign policy, are so many colossal challenges to be taken up. These files are named: Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, North Korea, Afghanistan & Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The new American President, Joe Biden, is fine-tuning his teams with a view to forming the next Administration, which will take office on 20 January.
On September 7th, after a series of attacks perpetrated by Talibans against Afghan population and authorities, not to mention the 14 000 American soldiers stationed in the country, American President, Donald Trump, in one of his famous tweets, decided to put an end to a year of talks with the Talibans. Talks that were supposed to terminate an 18-year-old conflict.
According to a well-informed source in Washington, the Trump administration has presented to the North Korean government a secret deal about iranien nuclear program.
According to the terms of this agreement, the United States would accept to establish with Pyongyang new diplomatic and economic relations.