Taking advantage of the anti-French boycott campaign, orchestrated by Islamist ulama, in several Muslim countries, following the republication of the caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has proclaimed himself leader of an alleged movement for the defense of the prophet of Islam.
Yet a political columnist who is a member of Erdogan’s party, the Justice and Development Party (PJD), and speaking on his behalf, made much more offensive and “blasphemous” remarks than the Charlie-Hebdo cartoons. It is the journalist Hulki Cevizoglu, who did not hesitate to declare, on the antenna of Turkish television KRT: “Even if the Prophet Mohamed were to be resurrected and form a political party today, he does not would get no more votes than Erdogan ”!
Proof, if necessary, that the objective of the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood and its relays in the Arab-Muslim world is not so much the defense of the Prophet Muhammad against the alleged blasphemers, but the orchestration of this type of controversy to establish the authority and popularity of Erdogan, who dreams of himself as a neo-Ottoman caliph!