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“French Muslims”: Taqiyya, instructions for use

25 January 2022 Expertises   24158  

atmane tazaghart

It is well known that ridicule does not kill – unfortunately. Faced with certain aberrations, we would like him to do so. If only once, for the sake of example! Thus, in response to the revelations of Global Watch Analysis (see Screen Watch n°17, December 2021) and our colleagues from Marianne, concerning the excesses of “consular Islam” which led the “moderate” rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Chams Eddine Hafiz, to seal an unholy alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, in order to remove the control of the National Council of Imams (CNI) from the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), against a background of Algerian-Moroccan diplomatic animosity; The French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, “French Muslims” (MdF), issued a strange communiqué entitled “stop the slander”, claiming to have no link with the Islamist Brotherhood!

As an illustration, if any were needed, of the famous doctrine of Taqiyya (concealment) [in the name of which the Muslim Brotherhood allows any Muslim to lie to non-Muslims in order to protect themselves and allows itself to lie to anyone who is not a member of the Brotherhood, including other Muslims, in order to preserve the secrets of its organisation], this communiqué states, without batting an eyelid, that “ ‘Muslims of France’ is a French, apolitical and independent federation that has no organic, financial or ideological link with any foreign organisation or state” and claims to reject forcefully “the repeated and defamatory accusation that the federation ‘Muslims of France’ is the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood”! As for foreign funding and links with countries such as Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the communiqué describes them as “poppycock”.

However, since the edifying revelations of Qatar Papers, the book-investigation by Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot, published in April 2019, denying these foreign financings would simply amount to denying the obvious. For these revelations have since been confirmed by numerous official investigations, including two reports by the french Ministry of Education concerning Qatari funding granted to the Averroès High School in Lille, founded and directed by MdF, and therefore by the Muslim Brotherhood (see Screen Watch n° 12/13, May-August 2021).

As for the concealment of links with the Muslim Brotherhood, “French Muslims” is not at its first lie: at the time when it was called UOIF (Union of Islamic Organisations of France), MDF not only concealed its affiliation to the Tanzim al-Dawli (International Organisation) of the Muslim Brotherhood, but denied the very existence of this Tanzim!

However, when the former American President Donald Trump brandished, in 2017, the threat to put the International Organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood on the list of terrorist organisations, the UOIF and all the European branches of the Brotherhood, federated within the UOIE (Union of Islamic Organisations in Europe), hastened to organise a famous meeting in Istanbul, at the end of which they publicly announced that they were going to cut all links with the Tanzim al-dawli of the Muslim Brotherhood, the very one whose existence they had previously denied!