In a recent warning note, the US FBI warned of the resurgence of bio-terrorist threats in the context of the Covid pandemic.
According to the note, “Members of extremist groups are encouraging each other to spread the virus should they become infected, using bodily fluids and person-to-person contact.”
According to the FBI, violent groups described as “racially motivated white extremists” have advised their supporters to “use spray bottles containing bodily fluids to attack police officers on the street”. Other extremists have suggested, “spreading the virus to Jews by going to all places where Jews might be gathered, including markets, political offices, businesses and workplaces”.
Moreover, a previous note from the FBI, issued on March 16, revealed that Bahgat Saber, an Egyptian member of the New York-based Muslim Brotherhood, urged any Egyptian affected by the coronavirus to deliberately infect Egyptian military, police and politicians. The activist is said to have even claimed that if he contracted the virus, he would personally infect the Egyptian consul in New York.