A recent note from the intelligence center linked to the European diplomatic services (EU INTCEN) expresses concern over a new type of repercussions that EU countries could suffer as a result of the tightening of American sanctions against Iran and the risks of an armed conflict with the Islamic Republic.
Among the retaliatory measures contemplated by Tehran, facing the increased embargo on its oil exports, the note warns of a possible use of the “weapon of the refugees”. As the Turkish regime of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan did with Syrian refugees, the regime of the mullahs would consider, in the event of a major crisis, to disseminate in Europe one million refugees among the three million displaced Afghan refugees in Iran.
For their part, the European anti-terrorist services are worried about the risk of infiltration of such a flow of refugees by terrorist groups, such as ISIS or Al-Qaida. And they are also extremely concerned about the possibility of manipulation of these groups by the Iranian services or by the Pasdaran, the guardians of the Iranian revolution.