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Jacques Boissinot/AP/SIPA


Canada: The land of “unreasonable accommodation” with Islamism!

12 March 2024 Expertises   137400  

Hamid Zanaz

For years, Canada’s democratic and secular academic and cultural communities have been voicing their dissatisfaction and concern at what they describe as “the penetration of Islamists and political Islam in general into various academic and educational institutions”. Many activists feel that freedom of expression is under serious threat, particularly in their country’s universities. Wokism has been there: it’s a problem that Western Europe is also experiencing.

Although the sword of Damocles of Islamophobia still hangs over the heads of all those who criticise Islamisation, in its various forms, in France, Germany, Belgium and Great Britain, tolerance of Islamic fundamentalism has not reached the dangerous level of Canada and Quebec, where criticism of the interference of religion and Islam in particular in the public sphere has become synonymous with racism. And the abandonment of the values and principles of secularism, a form of openness and tolerance towards others!

A powerful lobby has formed in Quebec under the banner of anti-racism. Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafism have infiltrated and are using anti-racist activism to further their cause, using legal and physical force to prevent any secular activity hostile to their ideology on the grounds that it is racist or discriminates against Islam and Muslims. This lobby is putting pressure on various levels of authority to turn French-speaking Canada into an empty lot, a wasteland whose culture must be reprogrammed to adapt to the mentality of new arrivals, particularly Muslims.

This is the trick of multiculturalism, which inevitably leads to the creation of small communities within society. In many countries, such as Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, it has become impossible for native peoples and foreigners to come together. And at a time when these countries are reconsidering their bitter experience with Islamists as a result of this policy, the Canadian left is trying to reproduce it by various means, such as legal proceedings or the use of physical and verbal violence against secularists who reject Islamisation. This is what happened to the secular writer and activist of Algerian origin, Djemila Benhabib, who was the victim of a “judicial jihad” and other harassment for denouncing the backward-looking actions and plans of the Islamists.

The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters are waging a relentless legal war against secularists in order to silence any critical voices and quietly pursue their Islamisation project.

They are taking advantage of the negligence of some Canadian politicians and the complicity of others, such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, nicknamed the “Minister for Minorities”, who regularly accuses his white citizens of racism and Islamophobia. He has even appointed a veiled Islamist as Canada’s special representative to combat Islamophobia. She is Amira Elghawaby, former spokesperson for the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), the country’s strongest Islamist lobby, which systematically takes to court any attempt to legislate on secularism!

In fact, things in this “very tolerant” country have reached the height of absurdity, with two Muslim parents demanding that the headmaster of a publicly-affiliated preparatory school in Montreal not allow their little girl to listen to music or sing with her classmates, as this is forbidden in her religion! The strangest thing is that the school management agreed to this request, which goes against all educational standards. They even provided the little girl with a pair of headphones to put over her ears every time the school play a few notes of music!

This is not just a case specific to school administration, but rather a general political trend in Canada known as “reasonable accommodation”.

This legislation stems from a 1985 Supreme Court of Canada ruling in favour of a worker who had asked his employer to exempt him from working on Saturdays for religious reasons.

Fundamentalists have found plenty to eat and drink in these so-called “reasonable accommodations”. They use them to claim rights that are backward, to say the least, and that offend the values of the host society. As happened, for example, in 2000, with a twelve-year-old pupil from the Indian Sikh community who demanded to carry a dagger to school in the name of his religious convictions! A legal and political dispute between his fanatical family, its supporters and the school administration lasted until 2006. It ended, as usual, with a Supreme Court ruling in favour of the family and the right to carry a dagger in class.

Since then, all pupils have been allowed to wear what they want to school, out of respect for their religious beliefs or ethnicity.

The Dagger Affair set an encouraging precedent, following which requests quickly multiplied.

Worse still, Canadian schools have adapted to these requests and now impose certain behaviours on all pupils out of respect for the values of minorities and their religions.

Despite all this, it is difficult for secular activists to speak out, since the mainstream media censor them while turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, who trample on democratic and humanist ideals in full view of everyone.

Will Canadians one day wake up from their multiculturalist delirium and this “diversity” without safeguards or limits? Or will they continue to be duped by globalist neo-liberalism, ready to open the doors of their country to the worst obscurantists?