The Directorate General for Internal Security (DGSI) and the Central Service of Territorial Surveillance (SCRT) alerted the Ministry of the Interior to the risk of a resurgence of acts of civil disobedience this summer in the post-Covidian social context. The Services even fear possible attacks on State symbols, including law enforcement agencies, which could be carried out by radical right-wing and left-wing extremist groups. The alert is particularly concerned about the possible manipulation of the Yellow Vests by these radical groups.
A defence council will be organised by the Elysee in June to examine this type of post-Covidian revolts. All the more so as other Services reports warned of the risk of individual or gang violence that could erupt in some sensitive districts, in the suburbs, including terrorist acts. Intercepted exchanges over digital networks during the month of Ramadan reported such incitement by propaganda organs linked to ISIS.