Social networks have certainly facilitated communication and the sharing of information between young people living on housing estates during the latest outbreak of violence. Hence the rapid spread of acts of destruction and looting throughout France. But Nahel’s death was merely a pretext for settling scores with French society, which is accused of being responsible for all the ills suffered by young people of immigrant origin. Hate messages against the host society had already been circulating on the web for a long time. And on Facebook, Telegram, TikTok and Twitter, Islamists and other extremist groups are working day and night to use these networks of discord for propaganda and recruitment purposes, or to incite minors and young adults to smash, loot and set fire to all the symbols of the Republic.
Nahel’s tragic death was a godsend for troublemakers of all kinds. A golden opportunity to spread their venom throughout France’s housing estates, through hundreds of videos and images inciting violence and inflammatory messages designed to awaken and exacerbate anti-France rage among young people already fed with communitarian resentment by the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafists and other “useful idiots” of the wokist left.
As for the rappers, they revel in adding fuel to the fire. Let’s listen to the civic lesson given to his fans by the singer N. Conrad: “I go into nurseries, I kill white babies / Catch them quick and hang their parents / Spread them out to pass the time / Entertain black children of all ages, young and old / Whip them hard, do it straight / Let it stink of death, let it stink of blood.” ». And to add, in another verbal diarrhoea inciting to violence: “ I fuck France, fuck France / Until I die / I burn France, I burned France.” »
This hatred is the result of decades of complacent discourse on the part of Parisian bien-pensance, which never ceases to incriminate France, presenting people of Arab-Islamic and African origin as passive victims of a systemic racism inherent in French society, which makes them second-class citizens, rejected and discriminated against.
What attitude can we expect from young French people of immigrant origin when they are taught from an early age that France exploited their parents, that French colonialism massacred their grandparents, that their host country marginalises and discriminates against them? After so much incitement to hatred, is it any wonder that some of these young people want to burn down France, which they see as guilty, unfair and discriminatory?
Another perverse effect of social networks is that foreign populations or populations of foreign origin are constantly connected to their countries of origin. They no longer seem to live in France. They have their homes here, but they live there! For proof of this, just look at what happens in the housing estates after a victorious football match by the Algerian, Moroccan or Tunisian national team. There were scenes of jubilation, damage to street furniture, stones thrown at the police, and the flag of the country concerned waved as a banner, often alongside that of Palestine, of course!
However, it is not so much the misdeeds of social networks that should be questioned, as they are merely catalysts that amplify and accentuate an already excoriating hatred. The real question we should be asking is: why don’t these young French people feel French? Where does this almost visceral hatred of France come from?
Albert Camus said: “To name things wrongly is to add to the unhappiness of the world”. However, all the politicians and opinion-makers who have worked together to deny any ethnicisation or Islamisation of the recent riots have added to the Republic’s misfortune. To say that the residents of foreign origin in sensitive neighbourhoods have no problem with the Republic, that only a delinquent minority poses a problem, is an untruth contradicted every day by the facts.
You’d have to be deaf and blind not to realise that in neighbourhoods, even entire suburbs, on the outskirts of cities like Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse and Strasbourg, a counter-society has emerged. It is governed by the networks of Islamism and smuggling, which impose a single law: that of fear and silence!