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Chloé Morin: “It will be extremely complex to find a Prime Minister capable of avoiding post-Barnier deadlock.”

Chloé Morin: “It will be extremely complex to find a Prime Minister capable of avoiding post-Barnier deadlock.”

Chloé Morin, a political scientist and essayist, served as the director of the Opinion Observatory at the Jean Jaurès Foundation (2017-2020) and was an advisor to two left-wing Prime Ministers, Jean-Marc Ayrault and Manuel Valls (2012-2016). She is the author of several essays, including “The Unmovables of the Republic: You Will Never See Them, but They Govern” (Éditions de l’Aube, 2020), “Populism to the Rescue of Democracy?” (Gallimard, 2021), and “We Get the Politicians We Deserve” (Fayard, 2022). In this interview, she analyzes the consequences of the censure of Michel Barnier’s government.


Jean-Yves Camus: “France still hasn’t overcome the fractures of its civil wars.”

Jean-Yves Camus: “France still hasn’t overcome the fractures of its civil wars.”

Director of the Observatoire des radicalités politiques and researcher at the Fondation Jean-Jaurès, essayist (“Les droites extrêmes en Europe”, Le Seuil, 2015), Jean-Yves Camus analyses the root causes of the eruption of radicalism on the French political scene.


Gilles-William Goldnadel: “For a Jew, it’s no longer taboo to vote for the Rassemblement National”

Gilles-William Goldnadel: “For a Jew, it’s no longer taboo to vote for the Rassemblement National”

Lawyer, essayist, columnist at Le Figaro and on the CNews channel, founder and chairman of Avocats sans Frontières, Gilles-William Goldnadel took up his pen the day after 7 October to write a “Journal de guerre” (Fayard), marked in particular by his analysis and rejection of the mediatic Islamo-leftism. In his view, anti-Semitism has “moved from the extreme right to the extreme left”. Explanations.


Malika Sorel: “We’ re heading for the abyss by lamenting the consequences without looking at the causes”

Malika Sorel: “We’ re heading for the abyss by lamenting the consequences without looking at the causes”

An engineer and graduate of the Ecole polytechnique of Alger, MBA major at Sciences Po-Paris and essayist author of “Décomposition française” and “Les dindons de la farce” (Albin Michel), Malika Sorel was a member of the High Council on Integration. This proponent of assimilation and secularism came second on the Rassemblement National list for the European elections. Explanations.


Abnousse Shalmani: “We are paying for our cowardice in the face of the Islamists’ guilt-inducing and misleading rhetoric”

Abnousse Shalmani: “We are paying for our cowardice in the face of the Islamists’ guilt-inducing and misleading rhetoric”

Abnousse Shalmani is a journalist, novelist and essayist. In her new book entitled “Laïcité, j’écris ton nom” (Éditions de l’Observatoire, 2024), she praises secularism and universalism. And she points straight to the threat posed to France by Islamism.


Amélie Myriam Chelly: “ISIS has ideologically integrated its deterritorialization”

Amélie Myriam Chelly: “ISIS has ideologically integrated its deterritorialization”

Sociologist, Iranologist and political scientist on the contemporary Muslim world, Amélie Myriam Chelly is the acclaimed author of an excellent Dictionnaire des islamismes (Éditions du Cerf, 2021). She has just published, with the same publisher, a “documentary novel” entitled “Le Coran de sang”. Interview.


Luis Martinez: “Will the next jihadist caliphate be African?”

Luis Martinez: “Will the next jihadist caliphate be African?”

Luis Martinez is an eminent politician specialising in the Maghreb and the Middle East. He has been Director of Research at Sciences Po-CERI since 2005. A visiting professor at Columbia University in New York (2000-2001) and then in Montreal (2007-2008), he was an observer for the European Union in sub-Saharan Africa. He is the author of several books, including “L’Afrique du Nord après les révoltes arabes” (Les Presses de Science Po, 2019) and “L’Afrique, le prochain califat? La spectaculaires expansion du djihadisme” (Tallandier, 2023). Interview.


Éric Guéret, director of ‘‘Premières Urgences’’: Is there a political will to destroy the French public hospital?

Éric Guéret, director of ‘‘Premières Urgences’’: Is there a political will to destroy the French public hospital?

For six months, director Éric Guéret filmed the daily life of young medical interns in the emergency department of the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis, a Paris suburb. The result is a touching and ambitious documentary, Premières Urgences (released in cinemas on 16 November). As patients pile up in the corridors, the five interns (Amin, Evan, Hélène, Lucie and Mélissa) do their best, with courage and self-sacrifice, despite a glaring lack of resources.


Carine Azzopardi “For many young people, secularism is perceived as a war against religion”!

Carine Azzopardi “For many young people, secularism is perceived as a war against religion”!

On 11 September 2001, journalist Carine Azzopardi was covering the attacks in New York, where she happened to be. On 13 November 2015, her partner and father of their children, music journalist Guillaume Barreau-Decherf, 43, was murdered at the Bataclan. In her book “Ces petits renoncements qui tuent” (Plon), Carine Azzopardi gives the – anonymous – testimony of a French teacher, confronted on a daily basis with the vindictive Islamism of some of his pupils. He refuses to give up and remains hopeful.


Michel Onfray: Zemmour is the symptom of a leaking dam!

Michel Onfray: Zemmour is the symptom of a leaking dam!

Accused himself of being a (left-wing?) populist, Michel Onfray – whose magazine Front Populaire organised a huge meeting at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, during which he debated with Éric Zemmour – takes an atypical but lucid look at the author of “Suicide français”…