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Hamas leader filmed with prostitute in Israeli hotel!

Hamas leader filmed with prostitute in Israeli hotel!

Hamas leader Abdel Rahim Abou Fanah, chairman of the Zakat [Islamic legal alms, one of Hamas’ main channels for fundraising] committee within the Palestinian Islamist organization, ignited Arab social networks: In a video filmed on a mobile phone, by a young man speaking in the Palestinian Arabic dialect, this Hamas cadre appeared naked, in the company of a prostitute, in what appears to be an Israeli hotel, as indicate by signs in Hebrew on the furniture.


Qatari funding : The heavy silences of the french National Education on the Averroès High School in Lille

Qatari funding : The heavy silences of the french National Education on the Averroès High School in Lille

Following the revelations of the book “Qatar Papers” on the Qatari funding granted to the Lycée Averroès in Lille, Jean-Michel Blanquer, the french Minister of National Education commissioned two reports. Two years later, these reports intended to determine whether the foreign funding in question is likely to revoke the contract that binds this high school, founded and run by the Muslim Brotherhood, to national education (and therefore to cut public funding). ), have still not been made public …


Ian Hamel cleared by Swiss justice of accusations of “defamation and slander” made by Tariq Ramadan

Ian Hamel cleared by Swiss justice of accusations of “defamation and slander” made by Tariq Ramadan

On January 30, 2019, Tariq Ramadan filed a complaint against our colleague Ian Hamel, for “defamation” and “slander”, following the publication of an article published on November 26, 2018 on the website of the magazine Le Point, entitled “The Geneva government confirms the charges against Tariq Ramadan ”. The text was a synthesis of a report commissioned by the Council of State (the government) of Geneva on the behavior of the preacher when he was a teacher in a college in Switzerland between 1984 and 2004. The report confirmed the accusations against Tariq Ramadan in the Swiss press, namely that he was suspected of having had sexual relations with some of his students. On January 21, 2021, an order for the filing of this complaint was issued by Olivier Jornot, Attorney General of the Canton of Geneva, thus clearing our colleague of the accusations of “defamation” and “slander” made against him by the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Tariq Ramadan’s European Muslim Network: The end of an empty shell

Tariq Ramadan’s European Muslim Network: The end of an empty shell

On his website, Tariq Ramadan still recalls today that he is president of the European Muslim Network (EMN) in Brussels, a think tank and action group created in October 2009.


The Chifa center of Tariq Ramadan hires a former teacher sentenced for incitement to debauchery!

The Chifa center of Tariq Ramadan hires a former teacher sentenced for incitement to debauchery!

Indicted for four rapes and banned from leaving French territory, the preacher set up a training and research center in October providing courses in ethics, humanism and … feminism. First recruit: Yacob Mahi, sentenced in Belgium in 2019 for “deeds of morality” and given a three-year suspended prison sentence.


Hani Ramadan adopts the conspiracy theory blaming the 9/11 attacks

Hani Ramadan adopts the conspiracy theory blaming the 9/11 attacks

While the French Ministry of the Interior has just renewed Hani Ramadan’s ban on staying in France (a ban which dates back to April 2017), the Director of the Islamic Center of Geneva (Tariq Ramadan’s brother) replies by questioning the official version of the 9/11 attacks!


According to Tariq Ramadan’s brother: fornication is the cause of the Coronavirus!

According to Tariq Ramadan’s brother: fornication is the cause of the Coronavirus!

When Hani Ramadan, Tariq Ramadan’s elder brother, claims that fornication and adultery are at the origin of the coronavirus, the public imagines that this is a verbal slip. In fact, the outings of the director of the Islamic Centre of Geneva (CIG) are part of a deliberate long-term strategy


Euro Fatwa App: A tool of hatred and Muslim brotherhood propaganda for smartphones!

Euro Fatwa App: A tool of hatred and Muslim brotherhood propaganda for smartphones!

The latest find of the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) is a smartphone app, launched with great fanfare last April.


Michael Privot: When I was a Muslim Brother…

Michael Privot: When I was a Muslim Brother…

A graduate of Oriental History and Philology, Michael Privot converted to Islam at the age of 19.In addition to his position as head of CECIV in his hometown of Verviers, Privot contributed, during his years of activism within the Brotherhood, to the creation of several Muslim Brotherhood’s organisations. The most virulent of which was Empowering Belgian Muslims (EmBeM).
Michael Privot says, however, that EmBeM has never been formally affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. When he co-founded it in 2013, with Fatima Zibouh, Privot had indeed already broken with the Muslim Brotherhood for more than a year. He acknowledges, however, that the co-founders of EmBeM were people he had known before in the Brotherhood.


France: the (Muslim) Brothers  of Qatar!

France: the (Muslim) Brothers of Qatar!

Who are the representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in France? And what are they worth within the hexagonal Islamist nebula? Although there are no precise figures on the number of militants and even fewer on the supporters of the Brotherhood, it is indisputable that it has known a growing presence and influence in France over the past twenty years thanks in particular to the entry it has been able to make into the most prominent associations and organisations representing Muslim communities. And also thanks to the generous funding provided by Qatar.