A group of researchers from the Emirati Trends Research & Advisory center, the University of Montreal and ”Pluriel”, the university research platform on Islam based in Lyon, have been collaborating since 2021 to produce the first academic index capable of measure the global influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. They have just released their first report covering the period 2022/2023. Exclusive extracts.
In a remarkable book, entitled “the hidden face of the Mullahs. The black book of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Emmanuel Razavi, senior independent reporter, regular contributor to Global Watch Analysis, reveals how the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood inspired Khomeini’s Shiite political Islam. Exclusive extracts
Rien ne prédestinait la Force Al-Qods, unité d’élite du Corps des Gardiens de la révolution iranienne (Pasdarans) et l’Organisation mondiale des Frères musulmans à se rapprocher. Pourtant, des documents issus des archives secrètes du ministère iranien du Renseignement révèlent l’inconcevable : des tractations ont bien eu lieu entre ces deux organisations, d’apparence rivales, pour faire face à leurs ennemis communs.
The Islamologist Lorenzo Vidino, an eminent specialist on the Muslim Brotherhood in the West, produced, in October 2023, as part of the program on extremism at George Washington University, a report entitled ”Verbatim: What European Security Services Say About the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe”. Exclusive extracts.
The July 2018 report by the US Congressional Subcommittee on National Security is the most important and comprehensive official Western document on the global threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood. It sheds unprecedented light on the secret ramifications of the Brotherhood, which is considered to be the mother house of contemporary Islamism, its tentacles in more than 70 countries around the world, and its supremacist dogma, which aims to establish Islamist world domination through a global “Islamic state”.
This letter addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, by Sheikh Ahmed Bin Khalid Bin Mohammed Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Bin Qassim Bin Mohammed Al-Thani, on behalf of the “Al-Thani Family Council”, the ruling family of the Emirate of Qatar, is unequivocal about the corruption of the former Qatari prosecutor appointed to the post of anti-corruption gentleman by the UN!
Embarrassed by recent revelations by the U.S. Department of State about the shady links between the Muslim Brotherhood leadership and the Obama Administration during the “Arab Spring”, the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood has just issued a secret order to Brotherhood executives to “deny these revelations” and “sow doubt” about them through social networks in a “previously agreed” manner. In other words, the leadership of the Brotherhood officially encourages its executives to lie to “families” (secret cells of the Muslim Brotherhood’s insider activists) and to supporters and sympathisers of the Brotherhood!