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French jihadist cell in Libya worries European services

French jihadist cell in Libya worries European services

Confidential exchanges between several European intelligence services state plans for attacks in the Mediterranean Sea and kamikaze operations targeting the Italian, French and Spanish coasts.


Europol: worrying stockpiles of explosives in Daesh

Europol: worrying stockpiles of explosives in Daesh

In a recent confidential note, Europol expressed concern about Daesh’s logistics networks, identified several months ago, which are involved in major movements of trafficking and storage of explosives in several Central European countries and the Balkans.


Muslim Brotherhood, a European danger

For a long time, the Islamist branch of the Muslim Brotherhood benefited from kindness of the authorities and extensive legislation on political asylum in European countries.

A double aberration has long dominated in this respect. First of all, there is this striking semantic contradiction called “moderate Islamism”. Because, how can one be “moderate”, or even tolerant, while claiming a divine truth which is impervious to any criticism or examination of consciousness?


ISIS: towards a “war of attrition” by procuration?

ISIS: towards a “war of attrition” by procuration?

The ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, appeared in a propaganda video published by the mediatic arm of the organization Al-Furqan. An outbreak that marks a turning point in the operating mode of the terrorist organization that his boss described as “war of attrition”.


How ISIS Adapts its Intelligence Service to Post-Caliphate Era à l’ère post-califat

How ISIS Adapts its Intelligence Service to Post-Caliphate Era à l’ère post-califat

While it is clear that the fire is still smoldering under the ashes of the Islamic State Organization (ISIS), one of the major questions facing counter-terrorism experts is the survival strategy that the ISIS will adopt following the collapse of the proto-state of the Caliphate in Iraq and Syria. The ISIS’s intelligence service known as the AMNI is at the heart of this survival strategy…